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[E] Buttercraft75
[E] Buttercraft75
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over 11 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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i got banned i dont want to try to come back cus i dont deserve it altough i want to tell u about those sick people ,on that server right now 1.PVPERS those people that reallly hate you and they are totally trolls 2.Trollers After pvpers the trolls troll u saying that ur a noob idiot and also a 9 year old i have chosen to use innspropriate laungage and by the way i am not a mean person so that can tell you that they have been really bad to me i have only been o the server for 4 days and was bullied every single day so if u are one of those sick freaks change urself u can become whatever u want to be u just have to change starrt fresh and foorget about what you have done in your past no matter who u are or where u come from we can make this world a better place just start fresh.no matter who u are we all have one thing in commoun a heart so spred the message and maybe one day just one day we could be a unrule breaking world
over 11 years ago
thanks by the way i told a player to calm down cus i reported it but then Gashll and Player 000 started calling me noob and idiot and that they did not care about what they say and it hurts my feelings alot see i have Asburges Syndrome and what people say to me impacts me alot harder that other people so ifor example i belive in what they say like if someone calls me at i say to myself that i am fat sorry for wasting your time there is some screenshots i added to this post
over 11 years ago
Hi again gashul is purposly killing people and it is not that fair at alll firstly why dont we get swords if he does he then called me a noob and also Player 000 tagged along and called me a noob to i have screenshots
over 11 years ago
hi guys i am new to the server it appers that everyone that goees in gets killed by crucial he dos not stop and he has a sergant sword he hits everyone for no reason and i am sick of peoples compaints so if u can please take some time to read this thanks
over 11 years ago
Hi I Love This Server But After 8 mins of prison time i was not realesed can someone plz help i did rules and it just shos me ruled can you guys plz help me i am not allowed out again help very appreciated
over 11 years ago